Saturday, March 5, 2011

[OOC] Moping

OMG I hate school and I'm poor and politics sucks and nothing is ever good and my cat died.

In case you didn't realize, the above statement was cynical. I know sarcasm is hard to detect on teh internets but the thing about the cat should have made it clear.

I hate moping. The world is full of two types of mopers: The first defines self-centered Emos who only care about silly love life, and the second regards people who watch too much TV and think they need more drama in their life, and make up problems and things to whine about. The funny thing about the second type is that their "problems" can almost always be attributed to everyone else they associate with. And yet, I stay true to my statement: these issues are pure fantasy.

The country I live in (Israel) is full of these people. If you're from around here, then most chances are you fit that type. Some of my friends are that type. My family contains a few of the type and even I am of that type. The difference is I know that I'm whining about crap and usually refrain from talking about my "problems" seriously.

Examples for the complaints people in Israel often have about stuff that are remotely unimportant:

1. Students whine about school. Whether you're an undergrad or finishing your doctorate, if you're in professional studies or an intern, you will whine about your education. It's too hard, it's too stressful, it's boring, it's useless and it's not mystical enough. I have yet to meet a lecturer or assistants who didn't agree students like to whine about shit (and yet, very few of them remember they were students not so long ago).

What the hell is wrong with us? We are fortunate enough to have the opportunity to study what we want, where we want (and get charged up the roof for it, too!). Look around you, there are plenty of other countries in the region which do not allow university studies for "commoners" and women. Most chances are you have the financial backing to begin studying, and while it's true it's hard and unfair that we have to pay so much for a degree, it's not impossible. The few unfortunate people who are unable to pay for school on their own are eligible for a scholarship, and if they aren't... well, if you can and they can't, why the fuck do you think you have something to whine about?

2. Soldiers. Soldiers everywhere whine non stop. It's like during the run of the years, IDF has evolved some sort of mutant ability to turn snotty teenagers into the Common Israeli Whiner (CIW from now on) instead of into a real soldier. Every type of soldier has something to whine about, whether it's about the lack of food during training or a non-combat sitting in their office whining about their commanding officer.

For the first I will say: I understand, from personal experience, but shut the fuck up, people in Africa survive whole months on smaller rations. You can live a few more hours without your bloody sandwich! Maybe younger soldiers will take an example and act like fighters and not sissies and our future wars won't look like the last one.

As for the second, it is a much more serious issue to look upon. The same lazy-ass office sloth they behave as today will devolve into the future potato couch CIW who yells angrily at the TV (and relatives) about how Everything In This Country Is Wrong. Stop this vulgarity, I say! Grow a pair of balls (or if you're a woman, a pinch of Common Sense), do your job like an honest person and stop moping about meaningless crap like how your boss is mean (of course he's mean, did you chance to observe yourself while "working"?!) or the other secretary stole your paperclips. It will help stop this downward spirals of turning from fun loving teenagers to whiny, lazy adults. Why, perhaps it might even influence younger secretaries to not be so worthless and get things done. And THEN when you get out into the world and get real jobs, you'll be efficient at it (not the current situation).

3. Employees. It's quite similar to the second type of soldier whining I touched on. You hate your job and you hate your hardass boss and waking up so early and all that shit. Again, maybe if you stop whining and shift the focus to doing the job, your boss might actually like you. I can tell from experience that it works. And I am not an ass kisser. If, on the other hand, your job is so awful, ie, pay is too low, hours too long, boss sexually harasses you, etc, then perhaps it's time to act. Cease complaining and quit. The Market Is Horrible is not an option, if you're willing to keep a horrible job because you're afraid to take risks, you'll never get anywhere. It also means you're a sissy.

4. Everyone else in this country likes to whine about religion, politics, education, etc... To them I say, our leaders were chosen by us, it's not entirely their fault they're screwing stuff up. It's up to us to stop this country from switching to a theocracy, instead of letting them lie to us and our children. Education is up to the parent, not the teacher. And last but not least, is life so boring that you prefer whining instead of taking the family to a picnic, a trip, Disneyland, strip club?

In conclusion, stop whining. And moping (it's the sissier way of whining) and start acting how you perceive is correct, perhaps you will influence others, especially future generations. You may even succeed in changing things, and if not in the near future, in the far one, which is also great.

I just realized I was whining about whiners. Guess it's time to go out to the street and kill them all.

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